Ajmal Khattak's humble 'hujra' at his ancestral village in Akora Khattak. This famous progressive Pashtun poet faced a barrage of criticism during his lifetime for having made money from this country and that. This picture provides an answer to his thoughtless critics. Incidentally, this was my first work that I posted on my blog.
Feryad (Lament!)
A famous lyrical revolutionary poem by the famous Pashtun poet Ajmal Khattak (RIP).
(Da lweyu lweyu Qudratuna Rabba
Yo thamanna da awredey she' ka na)
Translated By: Nasser Yousaf
O Lord of all
expansive wonders!
May Thou
grant to hear a wish, I wonder
I lay down
my life to cherish Thy glum evening
Will Thou
see somebody’s heartache, I wonder
Thy windstorms and hurricanes
I wish to
send a pressing plaint that I have
With the
thoughts of Thy fast flowing rivers
My welled-up
eyes now need to be drained out
Lest a word
of mouth is construed an apostasy
Lest crying to
Thou is construed an apostasy
The bounties
of Thy heavens overwhelm me
But I cry
out here with pangs of hunger
I seek refuge from the scorpions
of Thy hell,
But scorpions of
earth make me cry no end
Here we
carry hell of an empty stomach
But there we
shall be fodder in hell
Here we are
devoured by the butchers
There we
shall be devoured by serpents
black nor we could stay white
Neither worldly
nor we could stay upright
To Thy
harsh verdicts I submit and bow
But I
wonder which law shall I follow
Thy Qarun must go deep down in earth
But at my head should be a Qarun to follow
To Thy Will
I bow, O my lord
I shall twine
a rock to my stomach
But finding
another serpent at the treasures
As a fallible mortal, how could I stay quiet
My heart is
heavy and it is hard to restrain it
Let my mouth stay broke rather than be shut
To those dying
in the hope of your heaven
By the wails
of those starving, I vow then
No more can
I bear to see them in this hell then
By the
spires of Thy Kingdom, I vow then
Either on
the vast breast of this earth
Grant me my life, my heaven
Or before death
caused by the hell of hunger
Grant me
the freedom to scream in anger
To let those
starving get sated with Thy blessings
Or let my
vital remains be feasted upon by ravens