Sunday, 2 February 2025




A Sonnet (of sorts)

By: Nasser Yousaf 

In my troubled gruesome life;

The end of which is in sight 

I stepped on too many toes

And raised many eyebrows

I said many things burlesque

Little piffle now remains unsaid

A dadaist was I believed to be 

A movement that has since licked dust

Poetry should not mean, a wise man said 

But be

So I find myself bound to the northwest 

Muttering my confiteor to be blessed 

In the calm sipping my wine all alone

Save whistles of the shepherd so forlorn

(Dadaism: a movement in the early 20th century symbolizing presentation of nonsensical works of art.

Confiteor: a prayer of confessions)


At 3 February 2025 at 20:28 , Blogger Nasser Yousaf said...

Dear Nasser Yousaf Sahib, thank you for sharing your poem. It sums up your moment of contemplation in an aesthetically pleasing manner. The mood is melancholic, no doubt, but the beauty of the moment caught in the winsome web of words gives it a lot of meaning.

The poem expresses your inmost thought when you refer to the element of dada in your creative output. But I dont interpret dada here as nonsense but an act of protest , of dissatisfaction , of rebellion, indeed of a belief that life should have yielded much more fulfilment that it did in the lived world. In my view, the lived world is not all there is to it. Both the lived and the un-lived world make up the consciousness of a whole that is the stuff of poetry. This is a powerfully evocative poem.

With my regards. Ejaz Rahim


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